I'm blogging instead of studying for my
final test in 20/21st century art class. This is not my favorite class. I like less "controversial" art; high Renaissance and medieval art, Byzantine stylings and in America, Native American art.
Last week we got to see an image of a man who had nailed his penis to a board and called it art. Another man was hanging from hooks pierced through his skin and he is suspended in Superman fashion. I'm sorry. I don't get it. I don't want it, and I don't want to learn about it anymore. I really think all this is ruining my ability to see through my own lens. There are so many images and stories out there that have nothing to do with nailing genitals to wood.
I am so close to my BFA, only 6 classes, but finishing those classes that have nothing in them that interests me is depressing. The photography program at times has nothing to do with photography. A semester that doesn't deal with the stunning affects of color and how to manipulate it. What a pity.
The IDP program at Metro tells me there are options for me that would allow me to have a better experience and get more for the money I'm spending on tuition. We'll see.
I'm tired of complaining about this, I'm tired of fighting the tide of "art." I don't belong there. I hope I can find where I do belong.
Mother's Day? Kate and Jason are doing lawn stuff and planning for Jason's bike races in the near future. Our dinner together is on Tuesday evening. Jill and Matt are safely home from Costa Rica this afternoon, and for MD they took me to the Morrison Inn for an impromptu strawberry margarita and enchiladas. Also, they wanted to say thanks for taking care of Syndey and Schmidty Kitty even though Schmidty decided to jump off the 2nd floor balcony in the midst of a psycho cat moment. Paul, Mariah and Kristen? I don't know where they are today.
Happy Mother's Day. :)