Saturday, January 31, 2009

January Picture a Day

The first month of the Picture a Day project is done, and it's been fun so far. Every day at 4:25 p.m., my alarm goes off to notify me to get ready to make an image. When I'm at the photographer's meeting at the The Met student newspaper at Auraria, a few alarms go off since most people doing the project are from the The Met. The photo editor, Cora, tolerates our interruptions of her staff meetings on Thurdays with the veteran patience of a seasoned parent.

Like a good photojournalism student, I have included a caption for the image, where I was, what I was doing, what was important to me on that day. This project kind of morphs into a diary, and captions are needed, because I guarantee I won't remember why I photographed eggs for today's entry.

Here's a link to my Picture-A-Day blog. Take a look at the images so far.

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