Before I went to Monterey, I contacted Kim Weston about an interview with him at Wildcat Hill which is the home of Kim's grandfather, Edward Weston. Edward Weston's Green Pepper #30 is a famous and enduring image that stylizes sensuality and grace and seeing the negative was a profound experience for any Fine Art major. I was also given the opportunity to photograph the living quarters, studio, darkroom of Edward Weston, as well as Kim Weston's studio and his gallery of images. I spent about an hour with Kim learning about Weston family history, artistic approaches and photographic techniques. It was a memorable and inspiring experience.
"My writer"?
Easy on the wording there. I'm not a fan of a reporter saying "my photographer." Just don't want you to rub either photogs or scribes the wrong way.
I re-worded my sentence. Let me know if the change is more "PC." I must have missed class that day!
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