Monday, April 14, 2008

The Littleton Handbell Festival was held Sunday, April 13 at 7pm at the Littleton United Methodist Church.  Handbell groups from the Denver area came together to perform separately and together and showcase their talents.  Bev McLaughlin of Littleton, is a member of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church's Jubilate Ringers. A trained violinist,  she confesses, "I never learned to read bass clef, so I struggled with that but I make notations on the music to help me remember what notes to play." McLaughlin strikes one of few large bells used in the concert with a mallet which gives the bell-sound a softer, muted tone.  The quality of sound from the bells are controlled by arm movement, a variety of striking devices and muffling the sound by holding the bell against either the padded tables or ringer's chest.  Laughlin's strict attention to the conductor demonstrates the passion and attention to detail needed to ensure flawless performance, and she makes it look easy.  

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